How Much Do Rescue Dogs Really Remember From Their Past

People who have rescue dogs probably suffer from this more than others, as what happened in their dog's life before them is a true mystery. Would your dog recognize their old owners or where they used to live? Can they recall specific experiences whether they were good or bad?

While dog lovers and scientists alike have been pondering this question for many years, a recent study has uncovered that dogs do in fact possess a declarative memory. We all know dogs have decent memories—how else would they know what to do when you say “sit” or what it means when you get out their leash? The act of remembering, however, is more complicated than we realize.

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Now that we've established that dogs are capable of remembering their past and retaining that memory for years, let's look at some of the top signs that your dog is maybe having a flashback of their life before you.

Science Behind Dogs Remembering The Past

Semantic memory : It is a type of long-term memory that draws on knowledge over experience. People use semantic memory when they study for tests, and babies use it in overdrive as they learn to recognize everything from people’s faces to the colors of their favorite toys. Semantic memory is the brain remembering general knowledge needed for daily life.

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Associative memory : Dogs don’t have a long-term memory like humans do, which are capable of remembering specific events for a long period of time and use it in make decisions. However, dogs have an associative memory. This means their brains hold on to circumstances or images that they can later use to assimilate a similar situation in the future.

There’s still no clear-cut answer as to what your dog is capable of remembering and what they’re not, but all together, evidence shows rescue dogs can indeed remember certain aspects of their past lives.There is no doubt that there is no animal more loyal, faithful, and affectionate with humans than dogs. Don’t you think dogs deserve everyone’s our love and affection? We certainly do!

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You may find the following articles helpful in getting the best for your pup:

1. How To Tell If Your Dog Trusts You

2. The Best Dog Chew Toys To Make Your Dog Happy

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Adrienne Farricelli is a professional dog trainer certified by the CCPDT. Her work has appeared in notable publications such as USA Today, Everydog Magazine, and the APDT Chronicle of the Dog.
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