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Tips For Moving with Dogs

When it's time to move into your new house, whether it's across town or across the country, your moving day checklist includes packing up your four-legged family members. And while moving with pets is a stressful time for's undoubtedly just as stressful for your pets. Here are some tips to make moving into your new home as stress-free as possible for everyone in your family especially your pets! First of all, start by looking at the move from your pet's point of view. Their current home is more than their home; it's their territory. Cats, especially, are very sensitive and prefer to be in a familiar environment. Dogs tend to adjust much more easily to moves than cats. That's because new puppy owners are encouraged to socialize their puppy to get him used to new people, new smells and other dogs. So from the time they're young, dogs are out and about. For both cats and dogs, sticking to the routine after the move is very important. Maint

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